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【期刊论文】Synthesis and An tibacterial Ac tiv ities of 2-(1-Aryl-5-methyl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole De rivatives

许鹏飞, Yan Zhanga, Ren-Zhong Qiaoa, Peng-Fei Xua*, Zi-Yi Zhanga*, Qin Wang b, Li-Min Maob and Kai-Bei Yuc

Jour nal of the Chi nese Chem i cal So ci ety, 2002, 49, 369-373,-0001,():



Eigh teen novel 2-(1-aryl-5-methyl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole de riv a tives and two acyl hy-drazone in ter me di ate com pounds were syn the sized by var i ous path ways start ing from 1-aryl-5-methyl-1,2,3-triazol-4-formhydrazide (1). All prod ucts were iden ti fied by spec tro scopic anal y sis, and 2-(1-aryl-5-methyl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-5-benzalthio-1,3,4-oxadiazole was fur ther val i dated by X-ray crys tal log ra phy. Re-sults from pri mary an ti bac te rial ac tiv ity tests in di cated that most of the com pounds were ef fec tive against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis and S. aureus.



【期刊论文】Synthesis and Char ac ter iza tion of Tran sition Metal Com plexes of Po tas sium 3-(Pyridine-4-carbonylmethyl)-dithiocarbazate

许鹏飞, Dong Liu, Su-Yan Liu, Xin-Ping Yang, Peng-Fei Xu* and Zi-Yi Zhang

Jour nal of the Chi nese Chem i cal So ci ety, 2002, 49, 251-254,-0001,():



The prep a ra tion and char ac ter iza tion of some dipositive metal ion com plexes de rived from po tas sium 3-(pyridine-4-carbonylmethyl)-dithiocarbazate (PCDHK) are re ported. The solid com plexes of the com po si-tion ML



【期刊论文】Prep a ra tion and Prop erties of 2-(9-Carbazolyl)-3-(8-hydroxy-2-quinolinyl)acrylonitrile De riv a tives

许鹏飞, Peng-Fei Xua, Tahsin J. Chowb, Richard Limb and Ta-Jung Luc

Jour nal of the Chi nese Chem i cal So ci ety, 2003, 50, 135-142,-0001,():



The E and Z-iso mers of the ti tled com pound were syn the sized by con den sa tion of 2-carboxaldehyde- 8-alkyloxyquinoline and N-cyanomethylcarbazole, fol lowed by hy dro ly sis. The alkoxy pro tec tion groups in 3b-c can be cleaved ei ther in acid or in base to yield 3a. All com pounds ex hibit blue/green lu mi nes cence, which may be used as emit ting ma te rials in the fab ri ca tion of light-emitting di odes. Crys tal dif frac tion anal y-ses were per formed for 3a-E, 3d-Z, and 4-Z, while the re sults in di cated the pres ence of a com mon struc tural fea ture among these mol e cules. The rings of quinoline are co-planar with the dou ble bond of crylonitrile, form ing a ma jor con ju gated chromo phore. The carbazole group is twisted along the N(9)-C(2) bond away from the ma jor plane with a large di hed ral an gle. The ma jor con ju gated chromphore was found to be re spon si-ble for the spec tral prop er ties of these com pounds. Protonation of the quinoline in these com pounds redshiftedtheir ab sorp tion bands sub stan tially.

Carbazole, Hydroxyquinoline, OLED.,



【期刊论文】Syn the sis of Tri azoles, Oxadiazoles and Con densed Heterocyclic Com pounds Con taining Cinchopheny and Studies on Bi o log i cal Ac tiv ity of Rep resentative Com pounds

许鹏飞, Peng-Fei Xua*, Zhi-Hui Zhanga, Xin-Ping Huia, Zi-Yi Zhanga and Rong-Liang Zhengb

Jour nal of the Chi nese Chem i cal So ci ety, 2004, 51, 315-319,-0001,():



Com pounds 2-arylamino-5-cinchophenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoline (7) and 3-thio-4-amino-5-cinchophenyl- 1,2,4-triazole (3) have been syn the sized uti liz ing cinchophen as the start ing ma te rial. The com pound 3-cinchopheny-s-triazolo[3,4-b]-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole (4) was pre pared from com pound 3. Con den sa tion of 3 with ar o matic acid in the pres ence of POCl3 gave 10 new 6-aryl-3-cinchopheny-1,2,4-triazolo[3,4-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazoles (5). Some of the rep re sen ta tive com pounds were screened for an ti bac te rial ac tiv ity. The struc-tures of these new com pounds have been con firmed by means of el e men tal anal y sis, IR, 1H NMR and MS.

Cinchophen, Syn the sis, Tri azoles, Oxadiazoles, Con densed heterocyclic com pounds, Biolog icalactivity.,



【期刊论文】A green route to the synthesis of azo compounds

许鹏飞, Ren-Zhong Qiao, a Yan Zhang, a Xin-Ping Hui, a Peng-Fei Xu, *a Zi-Yi Zhang, *a Xiao-Yang Wangb and Yu-Lu Wangc

Green Chemistry, 2001, 3, 186-188,-0001,():



Polyethylene glycol (PEG, average molecular weight 400) was used as an absorbent for NO2, the absorptivity was found to reach up to 97%. PEG


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