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翁心华, 施光峰

Chun J Iafect Dis, December, 2002, Vol 20, No.6,-0001,():



目的 探讨神经氪酸酶基因A(nanA)产物对感染肺炎球菌后仓鼠咽鼓管细胞表面糖化合物变化的作用。方法应用植物血凝索组织化学技术,比较仓鼠在感染肺炎球菌(D39菌株)及其神经氨酸酶基因A缺陷株(△NAl)后咽鼓管细胞表面糖化合物的变化。结果 植物血凝素标记结果显示,D39感染组咽鼓管上皮细胞的LFA和SNA的染色比非感染对照组有明显下降,提示正常求端涎酸残基在D39组已被祛除,同时,咽鼓管腔表面WGA,SuccWGA,BSL-H,PNA和FCL在D39感染组的染色增强,而神经氨酸酶基因陋就简A缺陷株(△NAl)感染组与非感染对照组相比,植物血凝索标记染色结果差异无显著性。结论 神经氨酸酶基因A(nanA)产物在改变细胞表面糖化合物结构的作用中起重要作用,由此导致肺炎球菌在仓鼠咽鼓管的种植和感染。

肺炎球菌感染, 神经氨酸酶, 植物血凝素类, 仓鼠, 咽鼓管, 糖化合物



【期刊论文】Case Reports. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis associated with Cryptococcal Meningitis in non-AIDS Patients

翁心华, Li-Ping Zhu, Yao-Zhong Shi, Xin-Hua Weng and F.M.C. M

MYCOSES 45, 111-117 (2002),-0001,():



Pulmonary cryptococcosis,, cryptococcal meningitis,, cryptococcosis,, non-AIDS patients



【期刊论文】Enterococcus faecium-Related Outbreak with Molecular Evidence of Transmission from Pigs to Humans

翁心华, Hong-Zhou Lu, , Xin-Hua Weng, Haijing Li, You-Kuan Yin, Mao-Yin Pang, and Yi-Wei Tang, *

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 2002, p. 913-917 Vol. 40, No.3,-0001,():



Between 24 July and 31 August 1998, thousands of domestic pigs died of hemorrhagic shock in three adjunct counties along the YangZi River in Jiangshu Province, China. From 28 July to 6 September 1998, 40 local farmers (36 males and 4 females, ages 23 to 78 years) were hospitalized with severe illness characterized by high fever, erythematous rash or petechiae, and profound lethargy after contact with sick pigs. Twelve (30%) of these patients died of respiratory failure and shock. Eleven bacterial isolates recovered from 11 blood and cerebrospinal fluid specimens collected from seven patients and two pigs were identified as Enterococcus faecium based on biochemical reactions and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Both pig and human E. faecium isolates displayed indistinguishable antibiotic susceptibility and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. These data strongly suggest the spread of an outbreak of E. faecium-related sepsis from pigs to humans.



【期刊论文】GSF-VP shunt placement and albendazole therapy for cerebral cysticercosis

翁心华, ZHU Liping, WENG Xinhua, SHI Yaozhong PAN Xiaozhang and MO Ling

Chinese Medical Joumal, 2002; 115 (6): 936-938,-0001,():



Objetlve To explore the effect of products of nan A gene on the changes of cell surface carbohydrates of the chinchilla eustachian tube after infection with Streptococcus pneumonide. Methods Using leetin histachemieal techique to compare the changes of the cell surface carbohydrates in the chinchilla eustachian tube afler infection with S. pneumoniae D39 or ANAI mutant. Results The labeling pattern revealed that the staining with Limax favus agglutinin (LFA) and Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) Was decreased in epithelium of the eustachian tube in the D39 cohort cnmpared to the uninfected control. which indicated that the normal terminal sialic acid residue were removed. Cnncurrently, the increased staining with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). sueeinylated wheat germ agglutinin (Suce WGA). Bandeiraea simplicfolia leetin II (BSL-II). peanut agglutinin (PNA) and Erythrina cristagalli lectin (ECL) was observed in the lumen surface of eustachian tube subsequent to intranasal inoculation with D39. HowevES. the ANAl neuraminidase deficient mutant did not show any significant changes in the lectin labeling Patterns as compared with those of the eontnfl cohort. Conclnskms The products of the nan A gene play an important role in the changes of cell surface catrbohydrates and thus may be respnnsible for the eohmization in the chinchilla eustachian tube after infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae.

CSF-VP shut



【期刊论文】Normal Values for CD4 and CD8 Lymphocyte Subsets in Healthy Chinese Adults from Shanghai

翁心华, Weiming Jiang, Laiyi Kang, Hong-Zhou Lu, Xiaozhang Pan, Qingneng Lin, Qichao Pan, Yile Xue, Xinhua Weng, and Yi-Wei Tang*

CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY IMMUNOLOGY, July 2004, p. 811-813 vol. 11 No.4,-0001,():



Between 24 July and 31 August 1998, thousands of domestic pigs died of hemorrhagic shock in three adjunct counties along the YangZi River in Jiangshu Province, China. From 28 July to 6 September 1998, 40 local farmers (36 males and 4 females, ages 23 to 78 years) were hospitalized with severe illness characterized by high fever, erythematous rash or petechiae, and profound lethargy after contact with sick pigs. Twelve (30%) of these patients died of respiratory failure and shock. Eleven bacterial isolates recovered from 11 blood and cerebrospinal fluid specimens collected from seven patients and two pigs were identified as Enterococcus faecium based on biochemical reactions and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Both pig and human E. faecium isolates displayed indistinguishable antibiotic susceptibility and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. These data strongly suggest the spread of an outbreak of E. faecium-related sepsis from pigs to humans.


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