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邓辉舫, 黄俊成




为了充分利用已有系统的数据资源和服务资源,建立一个扩展性好、资源占用 少、松散耦合、复用性强、维护方便的平台级或大型集成系统,文中提出了一种基于消息队 列软总线的系统集成方案,利用net程序集技术和C#语言的反射机制来构造“热插拨”数 据适配器,并将其编写成DLL程序集组件,从而实现异构(不同数据标准或格式)系统之 间有效的、方便的数据交换。该方案已应用于物流通关公共服务信息平台。

message queue, software bus, hot plug-in, adapter, system integration, data exchange, logistics cus-toms clearance, public information-sharing platform



【期刊论文】Theoretical and Experimental Study ofNematic Liquid Crystal Display CellsUsing the In-Plane-Switching Mode

邓辉舫, Fabrizio Di Pasquale, Member, IEEE, Hui Fang Deng, F. Anibal Fernandez, Sally E. Day, J. Brian Davies, Fellow, M. T. Johnson, A. A. van der Put, J. M. Avan de Eerenbeemd, J. A. M. M. van Haaren, and Jeff A. Chapman




In this paper a two-dimensional (2-D) dynamicmodel, based on a tensor formulation and solved numericallyby combining finite elements and finite differences, is proposedand used for analyzing nematic liquid crystal (LC) test cells withinterdigital electrodes. We compare theoretical and experimentalresults concerning the switching behavior, response mechanism,and viewing angle characteristics of nematic LC pixel structureswhich use the in-plane-switching (IPS) mode. The good agreementobserved between theory and experiment in terms of electroopticalproperties validates our modeling and demonstrates itspotential for design optimization. We show that the proposed LCtest cells, using the in-plane-switching mode, ensure switching-ON and -OFF response times of 22 and 28 ms, respectively, andexcellent viewing angle characteristics.

Liquid crystal devices,, liquid crystal displays,, modeling.,



【期刊论文】Theoretical studies of minority carrier concentration profile and cathodoluminescence intensity in thin-film materials with different surface recombination velocities and constant excitation density

邓辉舫, Hui-fang DengH and J W Steeds

Semicond. Sci. Technol. 7(1992)125-134. Printed in the UK,-0001,():



In this paper, the effects are examined of the upper and the lower sulface recombinationv elocities, SI,S z, the diffusion length of excess minority carriers, L, and the thickness of the sample, h. on the minority carrier concentration profile (MCCPa) nd on the intensity of cathodoluminescence (CL) from thin foils. A systematic theoretical investigation of these effects is essential lo the understanding of experimental resuits which have recently been obtained by high-resolution CL imaging studies. By solving the reduced one-dimensional steady-stale diffusion equation under the non-trivial and realistic boundary conditions that the recombination velocities SI and Sp on the upper and lower surfaces are allowed lo vary independently of each other, exact and anaiyiical expressions for the MCCP and CL intensity (cu) are oblained for the general case of sulface recombination (sR). A number of special SR cases are discussed. The important question of the thickness dependence of the CL is addressed. Conditions for linear, square or cubic dependence of cu on h are deduced together with expressions for a thickness which we call the cut-off thickness. The capability of using the present analytical resun for MCCP to treat the electronbeam- induced current problem here is pointed out in passing together wlh TEM or STEM charge collection imaging and contrast problems of dislocations or defects. Specific numerical calculations are used to display the theoretical resuits quanlilalively and reveal a variety of properties of the model controlled by different values of the parameters contained within it. The resuits obtained can be used to explain and examine the features of CL in thin-film materials when examined in TEM or STEM modes. in some given cases, experimental determinations of the parameters can be made:



【期刊论文】An Improved LSB Information Hiding Algorithm and Its Realization by C#

邓辉舫, Huifang DENG, Meng XIE, Li ZHANG, and Zhihong YAO




In this paper, an improved Lsb (Least Significant Bits) information hiding algorithm is proposed according to human visual theory and implemented in the temporal-spatial domain by using C#, and based on this, a system is developed for hiding and extraction of multimedia files, Compared with the traditional LSB method implemented by Matlab, the improved one has obvious advanlages in the environmental confguration requirements, the time-consuming in running and ease of use, To be specific, the system realized on, net platform takes less running time and resouces, has better extensibility and greatere ease-to-use, and other distinct features Besides, the system developed for hiding and extracting multimedia files based on the method has a wide range of adaptivity and good applicability.

information hiding, LSB algorithm, C#, net



【期刊论文】Molecular-dynamics study of displacement cascades in Cu-Au solid solutions

邓辉舫, H. F. Deng* and D. J. Bacon

PHYSICAL REVEW B VOLUME 53, NUBER 17 1 MAY 1996-1,-0001,():



A molecular-dynamics study has been made of the influence of solute content on low-energy displacement cascade processes in copper containing up to 15 at. % Au in solid solution. This alloy system was chosen to illustrate the effects of heavy, oversized solute atoms in a fcc matrix. Cascades of up to 2ke Vin energy were considered. The presence of the solute was found to have a significant impact on all phases of cascade development, but not on the final defect number. The ballistic phase is increased in duration, and the number of temporarily displaced atoms is increased by the solute, and the thermal spike that follows is also increased in intensity and duration. As a consequence, the atomic mixing associated with these two phases was highest in the Cu–15% Au alloy that contained the most solute. However, as a result of self-healing in the thermal spike, the final number of Frenkel defects is independent of alloy composition. To test the influence of solute atomic mass, simulations were carried out on copper containing solute atoms with the same size as Au, but a lighter mass than copper. The alloys with this fictitious element did not show the ballistic-and thermal-spike effects exhibited by those containing "normal" gold. The results are discussed in terms of the likely roles of solutes in damage evolution in alloys under cascade-producing irradiation.


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