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【期刊论文】Growth defects in #ux grown RbTiOAsO4 crystals observed with white-beam synchrotron radiation topography Abstract

胡小波, X.B. Hu a, *, J.Y. Wang a, W.H. Cui a, Q.C. Guan a, R.B. Song a, J.Q. Wei a, Y.G. Liu a, J.H. Jiang b, Y.L. Tian b

Journal of Crystal Growth 205(1999)323-327,-0001,():



The growth defects in #ux grown RbTiOAsO 4 crystal have been investigated by white-beam synchrotron radiation topography. It is found that growth sector boundaries are the primary growth defects and they show strong X-ray kinematical contrast in the topograph. All the dislocations are growth induced and appear only in the near capping region. The area away from the capping region is nearly dislocation free. Growth bands show weak contrast in the X-ray topograph, which implies that the impurity contents are relatively low in various growth sectors and each growth sector is uniform in composition. (1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Dislocation, Growth band, Growth sector boundary



【期刊论文】The growth defects in self-frequency-doubling laser crystal NdxYl-xAl3(B03)4

胡小波, X.B. Hu a, *, S.S. Jiang a, X.R. Huang a, W.J. Liu a, C.Z. Ge a, J.Y. Wang b, H.F. Pan b, J.H. Jiang c, Z.G. Wang

Journal of Crystal Growth 173(1997)460-466,-0001,():



The growth defects in flux-grown NdxYl-xAl3 (B03)4 (NYAB) single crystals have been investigated by means of chemical etching and synchrotron radiation techniques. The band-shaped and polysynthetic twins were detected by optical microscopy due to the difference in etching rates between the host crystal and the twin. In the meantime, the orientation and symmetry of the twins were analyzed from their etching patterns. A large number of etch pits with regular shapes were also found on the surface, and these etch pits correspond to outcrops of the dislocations originating from the seed crystal or inclusions. The growth defects in flux-grown NdxYl-xAl3 (B03)4 (NYAB) single crystals have been investigated by means of chemical etching and synchrotron radiation techniques.The band-shaped and polysynthetic twins were detected by optical microscopy due to the difference in etching rates between the host crystal and the twin. In the meantime, the orientation and symmetry of the twins were analyzed from their etching patterns. A large number of etch pits with regular shapes were also found on the surface, and these etch pits correspond to outcrops of the dislocations originating from the seed crystal or inclusions.

Growth defect, Twins, Synchrotron radiation topography, Chemical etching, NdxY1-xAl3 (, B03), 4 crystal



【期刊论文】Priority communication Observation of inhomogeneity in congruent LiTaO3 crystal

胡小波, X.B. Hu a, b, *, H.D. Jiang b, H. Liu b, S.S. Jiang a, Q. Lia, J.Y. Wang b, C.Q. Zhang b, B. Teng b, Y.L. Tian b, W.X. Huang c

Journal of Crystal Growth 225(2001)6-8,-0001,():



The inhomogeneity in a congruent LiTaO3 crystal has been observed by transmission synchrotron topography. Many extraordinary regions exist in congruent LiTaO3 crystal and they often show diffraction intensity different from that of ordinary regions in synchrotron topographs. Differential thermal analysis indicates that the Curie temperature of the extraordinary region is lower than that of ordinary region, and the extraordinary region is really a high defect density region. The diffraction contrast of the extraordinary region in synchrotron topographs is explained qualitatively by a calculation at the selected wavelength.

X-ray topography, B1., Lithium compounds



【期刊论文】Dependence of photochromic damage on polarization in KTiOPO4 crystals

胡小波, X.B. Hu a, *, J.Y. Wang a, H.J. Zhang a, H.D. Jiang a, H. Liu a, X.D. Mu b, Y.J. Ding b

Journal of Crystal Growth 247(2003)137-140,-0001,():



Studies of photochromic damage induced in KTiOPO4 single crystals by 514.5nm laser irradiation is reported. A dependence of photochromic damage on polarization was observed. Along the same propagation direction (y901j23:31), the gray-track susceptibility for 8z polarization irradiation is one order magnitude lower than that for >z polarization irradiation for KTP crystal. The results clearly show that in KTiOPO4, a correlation exists between the gray-track susceptibility and the ionic electrical conductivity. Due to a high ionic electrical conductivity along the polar z-axis, the optical absorption centers will be annihilated with 8z polarization irradiation as soon as they are produced. This results in a lower gray-track susceptibility for 8z polarization irradiation.

Gray track, A1., Photochromic damage, B1., KTiOPO4 crystal



【期刊论文】Image shifts resulting from the misorientation of two individuals in GdCa4O (BO3) 3 crystal

胡小波, Xiaobo Hu a, b, *, Jiyang Wang b, Shusheng Jiang a, Hong Liu b, Ming Guo b, Huaidong Jiang b, Chengqian Zhang b, Yulian Tian c, Wanxia Huang c

Journal of Crystal Growth 229(2001)252-255,-0001,():



Large GdCa4O (BO3) 3 crystal has been grown by the Czochralski method. The quality of GdCa4O (BO3) 3 crystal was assessed by white-beam synchrotron radiation topography. It has been found that there is a sub-grain boundary in the GdCa4O (BO3) 3 crystal. The boundary divides the large GdCa4O (BO3) 3 crystal into two individuals. Due to the misorientation between the two individuals, the image shifts can be observed in the synchrotron topographs. Based on the misorientation determined by high resolution X-ray diffractometer, the image shifts were calculated for several reflections. The calculations are in agreement with the measurements from the topographs very well. In addition, the formation mechanism of sub-grain boundary is discussed.

X-ray diffraction, A1., X-ray topography, B1., Gadolinium compounds
