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【期刊论文】Intratubal Methotrexate Injection Combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine for Tubal Pregnancy and Following Pregnancy Prognosis

李大金, WANG Yu-dong△, LI Da-Jin, LIANG Fang, and ZHANG Jian-wei

CJM 2003; 9 (2): 93-97,-0001,():



Objective: To compare the effects of treatment of tubal pregnancy (TP)and its following second pregnancy by intratubal methotrexate injection (IMI) alone and combination of IMI with Chinese herbal medicine. Metlmds: Thirty-five patients sudferiug from unruptured TP were divided into two groups at random, to the 19 patients in the treated group, the treatment of combined IMI with Ectopic Pregnancy decoction No.2 (EP2, a traditional Chinese medical decoction) was applied, and to the other 16 patients in the control group, IMI alone was applied for control. Sexum concentrations of h-man chorionic gonadotro-pin (HCG), size of the gestational sac, existent time of fetal cardiac beat and peritoneal fluid were measured before and after treatment. And hysterosalpingography were performed 6 months after pnding the treatment to verify the presence of tubal obstruction and the condition of relapse. Results: The treat-ment of all the 35 women was suceessful. The recovery duration of serum β-HCG, disappeerance duration of TP sac and existent time of peritoneal fluid in the treated group were 20.04-7.8 days, 1.24-0.7 months and 10.74-2.9 days respectively, which were significantly different from those in the control group (24.4 4-8.1 days, 3.64-1.7 months and 19.14-3.2 days respectively(P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.05 respec-β-tivdy), but the existent time of fetal cardiac beat in the two groups (8.84-1.9 days vs 9.0 4-1.3 days) was not significantly different (P~0.05). The post-treatment oviduct obstructive rate in the two groups was 10.5% and 43.8% respectively, that in the treatment group was less significant (P<0.05). The relapse rate of EP in the treatment group was insignificantly different from that in the control group (5.3% vs 18.8%,P<0.05).usion: The two therapies (IMI alone and IMI combined with EP2) could obtain e-qual efficacy in curing TP. Compared with IMI alone, the combined therapy appears to have the effects of accelerating the resorption of gestational sac and peritoneal fluid, improving the patency of fallopian tube and ameliorating the cirolm~tance of pregnancy, which is hvorable to improvement of the re-pregnancy rate and reduction of the re-occurrence of ectopic pregnancy as well as to the enhancement of the effect of IMI in killing trophocytes. But there is not enough proof to show the potency of EP2 in killing embryo.

methotrexate,, tubal pregnancy,, traditional Chinese medicine




李大金, 余敏, 李大金**, 王秀丽, 袁敏敏, 朱影, 姚晓英, 李华萍





分子佐剂C3d, hCGβ, B7-1, B7-2




李大金, 杜美蓉, 闫凤亭, 李大金*, 严缘昌, 李逸平, 金莉萍, 王明雁, 朱影, 袁敏敏, 孟毅




目的:探讨环孢素A(cyclosporin A, CsA)作用于人滋养层细胞差异表达的功能基因。方法:应用抑制性消减杂交筛选110μmol·L-1 CsA作用于JAR细胞系前后差异表达的功能基因,经RT2PCR及蛋白质印迹进一步验证CsA作用前后原代分离的人早孕期滋养层细胞及JAR细胞株titin 表达的变化。结果:CsA作用于人JAR细胞系前后出现6个具有差异表达的基因,其中1 个为已知基因titin,2个为功能未知的mRNA,3个为位于16号染色体上的EST。RT2PCR显示,CsA作用于人滋养层细胞24h后出现titin mRNA的表达,72h达高峰,并呈现明显的剂量依赖性,110μmol·L-1 CsA作用最明显。蛋白质印迹显示,CsA可诱导titin的表达。结论:CsA可能通过诱导滋养层细胞titin的高表达,改变其生物学行为,从而有利于胚胎着床及早期发育。

关键词:环孢素A, 滋养层细胞, 抑制性消减杂交, 反转录2聚合酶链反应, 蛋白质印迹, 肌肉巨球蛋白




李大金, 王凌, 王玉东, 王文君, 朱影




目的探讨脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)对成骨细胞(oste0blasts,OB)及CD4+T细胞表达协同刺激分子的调控作用。方法颅骨酶解法培养鼠oB,体外模拟雌激素撤退;免疫磁珠细胞分选(rnag-c cell 9ort,MAC. S)法分离CD4+T细胞;将oB或CD4 T细胞分为对照组、E2及DHEA处理组,并以LPS刺激;以流式细胞术分析OB表面CDS0、CD86以及CD4+T细胞表面CD28、CⅡA4的表达。结果经E2及DHEA处理后,OB表达CDS0、CD86显著增加(P<0.05,P<0.01);CsA可降低对照组及DHEA处理组OB CD80、CD86的表达(P<0.01)。除DHEA组CD28 T细胞百分比增加外(P<0.05),其余各组CD4 T细胞CD28和CIIA4的表达无显著改变(P>0.05)。结论DHEA可上调鼠OB协同刺激分子CDS0、O386表达,该作用可被CsA阻滞;DHEA还上调CD4 T细胞cD28的表达,提示可改善骨。免疫调节网络。

协同刺激分子, DHEA, 成骨细胞, CD4-T细胞



【期刊论文】Effects on fertility of immunizing mice with anti-idiotypic antibodies to porcine zona pellucida antigen

李大金, Dajin Li*, Xiaoxi Sun, Chaojing Li, Lirong Cai, Yi Meng

Journal of Reproductive Immunology 54(2002)81-92,-0001,():



Objectie: to evaluate the effects on fertility by immunization with anti-idiotypic antibodies to porcine zona pellucida (PZP) antigen. Method: anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2) were produced in New Zealand rabbits immunized with 17D3 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (IgG, Ab1) to PZP antigen. The antisera were first passed through immuno-affinity chromatography column linked to normal mouse IgG so as to remove the antibody bound to normal mouse IgG The passing elute was then purified by immuno-affinity chromatography using 17D3 mAbs to get the Ab2. Female BALB/c mice, 5-week-old, were grouped and immunized with the Ab2, PZP antigen, target antigen of the Ab1 and normal rabbit IgG, respectively. The treated female mice were mated with male BALB/c mice and sacrificed at gestation day 10. Analyses included ELISA measurement of anti-ZP antibody titer, fetal number determination and evaluation of ovarian histomorphology. Results: the Ab2 appeared as a single protein band by SDS-PAGE. Shown by a competitive inhibition ELISA, the Ab2 specifically bound to the variable region of the 17D3 Ab1. Compared with controls, the female mice immunized with Ab2 showed a decreased pregnancy rate and a statistically significant reduction in fetal numbers. Histological examination of ovaries demonstrated that Ab2 exposure interfered less with follicular development than did exposure to PZP. Conclusion: immunization of female mice with Ab2 to PZP mAbs suppresses fertility and fetal numbers with minimal ovarian pathology.


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