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【期刊论文】Psychometric properties of the WHO Quality of Life question-naire (WHOQOL-100) in patients with chronic diseases andtheir caregivers in China

李凌江, Lingjiang Li, , Derson Young, Shuiyuan Xiao, Xiao Zhou, & Liang Zhou

Bulletin of the World Health Organization|July 2004. 82 (7),-0001,():



Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the WHO Quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL-100), a multi-dimensional, conceptualized, 100-item quality-of-life instrument. Methods A total of 460 patients in China with chronic diseases (including hypertension, schizophrenia, stroke, end-stage renal disease, head and neck cancer and breast cancer) and 418 family members who were their caregivers were assessed at baseline and one year later. Findings The WHOQOL-100 had acceptable internal consistency (ɑ=0.76-0.90 across domains). There were strong correlations between the domains of WHOQOL-100 and the dimensions of the General Quality of Life Inventory (ɑ=0.72-0.82 across related domains). Within domains most facet correlations were satisfactory, although some facets correlated more strongly with a comain other than that to which they had been assigned. Principal component analysis produced four factors accounting for 61% of the total variance. Conclusion The WHOQOL-100 was able to discriminate between the different groups of patients and was sensitive to clinical change in patients' conditions. It proved to be a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases and their caregivers in China.

Quallity of life, Questionnaires, Chronic disease, Caregiers, Reproducility results, Sensitvty and specificity, China



【期刊论文】Longitudinal Study of Quality of Life Following Stroke

李凌江, L Li, D Young, Z Hu

Hong Kong J Psychiatry 2001; 11 (4): 17-22,-0001,():



The purpose of this study was to conduct a longitudinal examination of various dimensions of quality of life for patients following their first stroke and to identify variables that predict subsequent quality of life. 121 patients with a first stroke and 121 matched healthy controls from the same community were assessed at baseline and 1 year after discharge from hospital using a self-administered General Quality of Life Inventory. One year after discharge, the clinical condition of 84% of patients following a stroke had improved or they had fully recovered. However, their quality of life had not reached the level of the healthy controls. Of note was that 16% of patients whose stroke symptoms were unchanged or worse after 1 year of follow-up showed no change in quality of lith scores compared with baseline. One year after discharge, family and social support had significantly decreased and self esteem and body image were impaired compared with baseline, particularly for patients experiencing deterioration of their condition. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that quality of life was best predicted by the severity of the stroke, patients' outcome expectancy, their values of need level for life, and potential for neuroticism. Stroke was found to impair most aspects of patients' quality of life. During rehabilitation after stroke, more attention should therefore be paid, to adjusting patients' outcomes expectancy and their values of need level for life to a more realistic level and ensuring sufficient psychosocial support as well as active drug and physical therapy.

Stroke,, Quality of life



【期刊论文】The Relationship Between Objective Life Status and Subjective Life Satisfaction With Quality of Life

李凌江, Lingjiang Li, MD; Derson Young, MD; Hao Wei, MD; Yalin Zhang, MD; Yanping Zheng, MD; Shuiyuan Xiao, MD; X aoping Wang, MD; and Xiangyi Chen, MD




A locally developed quality of life inventory was used to examine the rela-tionship between objective life status and subjective satisfaction with quality of life in 8, 550 participants from Hunan, China. The inventory included 112 intem in 4 dimensions--physical health. Psychological health, social func-tional status, and living conditions. Objective life status was the principal fac-tor affecting subjective satisfaction, but discrepoancies were found in some participants, especially when objective status was at the extremes of the dis-tribution.Young,urban, or more educated participants with higher scores on objective status (old, rural, or less educated people) sometimes ranked high-er in subjective satisfaction, whatever the objective satisfaction of the population. Divergence between individual objective status and subjective satisfaction was associated with hierarchy of life needs and the reference standards used for the comparison.

objective life status,, quality of life,, subjective life satisfaction




李凌江, 杨德森, 岗亮, 郝伟, 王小平, 刘铁桥

Chin J Psychiatry, August 2003, Vol. 36. No.3,-0001,():



目的 评估慢性跌瑞忠者歧照料者的生活质量。方法 应用WHOQL-100D在冶疗前和治疗1年后对460例慢疾病(高血雎精神分裂症、卒中、终期肾病、头颈部肿瘤和乳腺)患者及其418名家庭照料者的生活质量进行了评定。结果 不同疾病患者在不同时间(如治疗前后)评定WHOQOL-100的结果有显著性不同,治疗前在并维度和因子(共30项)中6种疾病患者间的差异均达显著性(P<0.001);治疗后有效组的生活质量均有所改善,而无效组则比治疗前更差(P<0.05)不同疾病患者的家庭照料者评定WHOQOL-100的结果也显著不同(P<0.01)。结论 WHOQOL-100能较好地区分不同慢性疾病患者和照料者的生活质量。

生活质量, 问卷, WHOQOL-100





Chin J Psychiatry, August 1999, Vol 32, No.3,-0001,():



目的 控讨多巴胺(DA)受体功能与工作记忆的关系。方法 测试28只雄性Sprague-Dawley老年鼠在15臂放射状迷宫中的操作成绩。观测DA受体配体对操作成绩的影响。结果 (1)适量的D1受体激活剂二羟西汀(0.6mg/kg)直接作用或低量的D2类受体拮抗剂氧哌喧醇(0.1mg/kg)通过D2突触前受体用作均可改善D1受体功能而提高工作记忆能力;而D1受体拮抗剂SCH23390(0.01mg/kg,0.02mg/kg)则损害工作记忆。(2)D2类受体激活剂因哌洛尔在1.1-0.4mg/kg与较大剂量拮抗剂(氟哌啶醇≥0.2mg/kg)均损害工作记忆。(3)有记忆障碍的老年鼠对DA受体激活剂相对不敏感,而对DA拮抗剂则相对过敏。(4)DA受体配体对工作记忆的影响既有直接作用也可通过影响运动功能而加强。结论 工作记忆与DAD1受体功能相关,D1受体激活剂可能具有治疗某些记忆障碍的潜能。

受体,, 多巴胺D1 受体,, 多巴胺D2 记忆障碍 动物实验
