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【期刊论文】Intraperitoneal hemorrhage during and after percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tumors: reason and management

陈敏华, CHEN Min-hua, DAI Ying, YAN Kun, YANG Wei, GAO Wen, WU Wei, LIAO Sheng-ri and HAO Chun-yi

Chin Med J 2005; 118 (20): 1682-1687,-0001,():



Background Introperitoneal hemorrhage is one of the most common complications of radiofrequency (RF)ablation of hepatic tumors. This study was designed to investigate the reason and management of intraperitoneal hemorrhage occurred during or after percutaneous RF ablation of hepatic tumors. Methods Three hundred and fifty-six patients with hepatic tumors have been treated at 592 procedures of ultrasound guided RF ablation. Intraperitoneal hemorrhage occurred in 5 patients(0.8%). The reasons and management of intraperitoneal hemorrhage in these 5 cases were retrospectively analyzed. Results Two patients with liver metastasis and one hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patient suffered from hemorrhage during the RF treatment. Two patients with recurrent HCC after surgery developed hemorrhage 20 minutes or 4 hours after RF treatment. One case of hemorrhage was due to the inappropriate electrode positioning induced liver laceration while treating a 1cm liver metastasis near the liver capsule. One was due to the injury of a small vessel by the RF needle in another liver metastasis patient. Three cases were due to tumor rupture with two cases induced by cough or position change after treating large protruding HCC lesions. Four (80%) of the 5 cases of hemorrhage were rapidly identified by ultrasound. The causes and sites of bleeding during the RF treatment in three cases were confirmed through ultrasound, which were successfully treated using RF coagulation to achieve hemostasis of the bleeding site. Two patients with post-ablation hemorrhage recovered in one hour and 24 hours, respectively after given blood transfusion and other conservative measures. No surgical intervention was required. Two patients died of wide spread metastasis 23-36 months afterwards and the other three patients have lived for 18-25 months to date. Conclusions It is important to perform close monitoring during and after RF ablation in order to identify intraperitoneal hemorrhage in time. RF ablation of the bleeding sites was a simple and effective management when the bleeding site could be confirmed by ultrasound. The hemorrhage due to the rupture of large and protruding liver tumors could be serious and should be considered as contraindication for RF treatment.

Liver neoplasm, radiofrequency ablation, complication, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, ultrasound




陈敏华, 陈敏华△, 严昆, 杨薇, 高文, 戴莹, 霍苓, 张晖, 黄信孚





癌, 肝细胞, 导管消融术, 治疗结果




陈敏华, 严昆, 戴莹, 沈理, 姜晓龙, 尹珊珊





超声检查, 造影剂, 肝肿瘤, 射频消融



【期刊论文】High mechanical index post-contrast ultrasonography improves tissue structural display of hepatocellular carcinoma

陈敏华, CHEN Min-hua, YANG Wei, DAI Ying and WU Wei

Chin Med J 2005: 118 (24): 2046-2051,-0001,():



Background The advent of second generation agent-SonoVue arid low mechanical index real-time contrast enhanced uhrasonography (CEUS) imaging have been shown to improve the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). But no report has described the effect of high mechanical index (MI) post-CEUS This study aimed to investigate the value of post-CEUS in displaying tissue structures of HCC. Methods Seventy-six HCCs in 65 patients were included in the study Each patient undm~ent three scans, high-MI (MI: 0.15-1.6) pre-contrast ultrasound, low-MI (Mi: 0.04-0.08) CEUS with contrast agent SonoVue, and high-MI post-contrast ultrasound, which was performed within 3 minutes after CEUS The size, boundary, echogenicity, internal echotexture arid posterior acoustic enhancement of the HCCs in the conventional scans before and after CEUS were evaluated According to pathological evidence, diagnosis rates of pre-contrast, CEUS arid post-contrast scans were determined arid compared The potential mechanism of post-contrast ultrasound imaging was also discussed. Results Compared with pre-contrast, post-contrast ultrasound showed improvement in image quality in most HCCs: twenty-six (34.2%) more lesions showed well defined margins and fourteen (18.4%) more nodules showed halo sign; twenty-three (30.3%) lesions demonstrated enlarged in sizes; changes in echogenicity were seen in 30 lesions(39.5%): eighteen(23.7%) more lesions showed heterogeneeity and 20 (26.3%) more lesions showed "mosaic" or "nodule-in-nodule" sign: twelve (15.8%) more lesions showed posterior acoustic enhancement Post-contrast ultrasound showed increased diagnostic accuracy of 93.4% (71/76), compare with 88.2% (67/76) of CEUS alone. Conclusions High-MI post-contrast ultrasound utilizes harmonic signals during the rupture of microbubbles, and significantly improves the display of echo-characteristics of HCCs in ultrasound images, which adds diagnostic values for CEUS Post-contrast ultrasound could play an important role in tissue characterization, and may be included in CEUS protocols.

ultrasonogmphy contrast enhanced ultrasound, liver neoplasm, tissue structure


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