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冯江, 陈敏, , 刘颖, 张喜臣, 李振新, 周江, 张树义

动物学研究2004, Feb. 25 (1): 15~19,-0001,():



皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsoni)雌性成体5只和幼体2只采自贵州省贞丰县珉谷镇。采用超声波探测仪(D980, ULTRASOUND DETECTOR)接收皮氏菊头蝠的回声定位声波,转换到原频率的1/10后导入计算机,然后用专业声谱分析软件(Batsound 3110)进行分析。成蝠在飞行和悬挂状态下的声波结构相似,只是声波各项参数值略有不同:它们发射FM2CF2FM型声波,具有2~3个谐波,主频率在飞行时为56180±0162kHz,悬挂时为58105±0124kHz;声脉冲时间和间隔在飞行时分别为34162±5129ms和86150±19172ms,悬挂时分别为41108±5187ms和117129±66144ms;能率环飞行时为(44106±12158)%,悬挂时为(46100±24125)%。幼蝠声波为CF2FM型,谐波数为5~8个,主频率明显低于成体,FM带宽窄于成体,声脉冲时间和间隔短于成体,能率环低于成体。皮氏菊头蝠回声定位声波与年龄有关,这可能因成体的声波主要是探测食物和周围环境的详细信息,而幼体主要是与母蝠进行交流。

皮氏菊头蝠, 成幼体, 回声定位声波



【期刊论文】Correlation between echolocation calls and morphological features among three kinds of bats

冯江, FENG JiangI **, CHEN Min, LI Zhenxinx, ZHANG Shuyi, ZHAO Huihua and ZHOU Jiang

PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE Vol. 12, No.9, September 2002,-0001,():



The correlation between echolocation sound and morphological features of 18 species of bats, which are subordinated to 3 families including rhinolophidae, hipposideridae and vespertilionidae is studied. Pearson's correlation and regression analysis are adopted to analyze the correlations between noseleaf width (NW) and forearm length (FAL), NW and dominant frequency (DF), FAL and DF. The results show a positive correlation between NW and FAL and a negative correlation between NW and DF in Rhinolophidae. In each family, there is a negative correlation between FAL and DF. Some species have a higher or lower frequency than predicted one according to their body size. There are significant differences of the regression equation of FAL and DF among the three families. For the bats with the same body size, the order in frequency is: hipposiderid bats> rhinolophid bats)" vespertilionid bats. The mechanism of interrelation-ship between FAL and DF of bats, the reason why these deviations occur in correlativity of the three families and the mechanism of the in- teraction between morphological, physiological and ecological characteristics are discussed.

Rhinolophidae,, Hipposideridae,, Vespertilionidae,, echolocation calls,, morphology,, correlation.,



【期刊论文】Echolocation calls of Myotis frater (Chiroptera: Hipposi-deridae) during search flight

冯江, ZHANG Shuyi, ZHAO Huihua, FENG Jiang, SHENG Lianxi, LI Zhenxin & WANG Lixin

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 45 No.18 September 2000,-0001,():



Echolocation calls of Myoti$ frater emitted during the search phase consist of brief frequency-modulated pulses. The sound signals are comprised of three harmonics of which the first one is of the highest intensity and occurs in all echolocation calls. The frequency of this fundamental harmonic ranges from 110.8 to 50.2kHz, and its duration is about 3.5ms. The second and the third harmonics are relatively weak, occurring in 50.0% and 25.0% of echolocation calls respectively, with frequencies ranging from 138.4 to 116.6 kHz for the second harmonic and from 193.6 to 170.8kHz for the third harmonic. We presume that, according to the echolocation call features, Myotis frater probably forages the insects on the ground of complex environments.

echolocation calls,, frequency-modulated signals,, flight,, harmonic.,



【期刊论文】Molecular phylogenetic of Hipposiderids (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) and Rhinolophids (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in China based on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences

冯江, Hui WANG, , Bing LIANG, Jiang FENG, Lianxi SHENG and Shuyi ZHANG*

Folia Zool.-52 (3): 259-268 (2003),-0001,():



Phylogenetic relations among five species of Hipposideridae and seven species of Rhinolophidae including one endemic species (Rhinolophus rex) were examined by partially sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (528 bp). Analyses of the cytochrome b sequences of Hipposideridae and Rhinolophidae suggest that each formed a monophyletic group. All phylogenetic analyses indicate that Aselliscus should remain as a genus within Hipposideridae, with the mean percentage sequence differences (16.43%) and transition: transversion ratios (2.032) between Aselliscus and Hipposideros. Within Hipposideros, H. armiger shows close affinity to H. larvatus although it possesses superficial similarity morphological characters to H. pratti. Genetic distance values suggest that H. larvatus and H. armiger diverged from each other approximately 1.7-4.3 million years ago, and H. pratti diverged from the larvatus-armiger clade approximately 2.1-5.2 million years ago.

China,, cytochrome b,, Hipposideridae,, itochondrial DNA,, phylogeny,, Rhinolophidae




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